ServiceNow’s Geneva upgrade has gone live and it promises to bring many benefits to all users of the platform.
As a trusted ServiceNow partner, Technosys is able to support SMEs and mid-market companies in upgrading to Geneva. Our expert consultants are on hand to help all our clients achieve the complete added-value this new release provides.

The Geneva upgrade brings lots of new features
The new applications and features in this release will change the way work gets done in the enterprise, and will enable users to:
- Reduce service outages – learn how new capabilities speed time to relief and can help prevent outages before they happen
- Connect – discover a completely new and faster way to collaborate in real-time, whether from the desktop, mobile phone – or even the Apple Watch
- Gain new levels of security – new features mean more control and peace of mind than ever with edge encryption and additional authentication options
- Drive service management across the enterprise – new applications provide the benefits of service management to improve customer support and keep companies secure
Geneva upgrade
The Geneva upgrade also includes enhancements to Project Portfolio Management (PPM), Financial Management, Knowledge Management, Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), HR Service Management, and application development capabilities.

the dashboard after the update
We’ll look at some of the new features in a bit more detail here:
Connect: This feature has been renamed after being introduced as ‘Collaboration’ in the previous Fuji iteration of ServiceNow. It includes a number of enhancements including an online status and presence integration so users can see who else is available, along with an indicator to show when other users are viewing or typing during chat sessions.
This makes it much more intuitive to use, and expands the chat functionality to that of a usual standalone application. It reduces task resolution time by enabling technicians to work together in real-time. They can share ideas, collaborate on documents, know who’s online and who’s updating records, and chat instantly – all from within Express.
ServiceNow Express Discovery: This new application delivers a scheduled network scan with an automated Configuration Management Database (CMDB) update of discovered assets providing IT an accurate view of managed devices and software licenses. When Discovery finds a computer or device, it explores the device’s configuration, provisioning, and current status and updates the CMDB.
Reporting: Enables users to create and publish reports with new types of visualisations (heat maps, bubble charts, single score widgets and multi-level pivot tables), conditionally format reports and create unlimited levels of chart drilldowns.
Knowledge Management: Social Q&A enables anyone in the company to post questions and answers. This crowdsourcing drives Q&A towards self-service and can deflect up to 15% of tickets. Social Q&A allows users across the ServiceNow Express platform to ask the community a public question.
Users can review open questions, comment on them, and propose answers that the asker can accept. These questions and answers populate the knowledge base and become searchable assets that can be leveraged in issue resolution and case deflection. The social Q&A capability is configured at the knowledge base level, and can be activated or deactivated per knowledge base.
As a valued ServiceNow partner, consultants from Technosys will be on hand to help all our clients through the Geneva upgrade. For more information, why not download our free Geneva Step by Step Guide?