Using an IT Cloud solution is an easy way for SMB and mid-sized enterprises to meet their IT requirements when they don’t have the expertise or budget available to their larger counterparts.
Industry analysists Gartner are also predicting spending in this market space is going to rise at a faster rate than overall enterprise IT spending in the long term as Cloud and SaaS (Software as a Service) based solutions gain ground. Coupled with the rising adoption of smartphones and other powerful mobile computing devices like tablets, it means employees can work anytime, anywhere and with anyone.
SMBs and mid-size enterprises usually have a one-person IT department or a small team of Jack-of-all-trades people using inefficient combinations of email, spreadsheets and home-grown solutions to track network assets and manage help desk requests.
Moving applications to the Cloud can result in productivity gains and makes tracking all IT operations through an online operation more efficient and cost-effective without having to strain resources further. The same staff can operate an online Cloud-based solution but monitoring it becomes much easier.
IT Cloud solutions
Cloud computing is here to stay and SMBs and mid-size enterprises who recognise the benefits of using more agile, lower cost Cloud applications are on the increase. Forbes magazine reported in June this year that 78 per cent of US small businesses will have fully adopted Cloud computing by 2020. It also found that for many firms, their Cloud application and service providers are their own IT departments.
There’s also no surprise in discovering that the adoption of Cloud computing is rising in parallel to the rise in mobile computing. The concept of everyone working from the office is being replaced by the always-on, work anywhere mantra of remote and flexible working.
Here are three steps that SMB IT leaders and teams can take to more effectively grow their business with cloud-based service management:
Automate the workflow – Move away from a reliance on email and spreadsheets. Personal productivity tools are no way to run an IT organisation. Without visibility into IT requests and incidents, IT teams struggle to prioritize and assign work to the right expert, resolve bottlenecks and provide timely responses to employees.
Track all IT assets – Using a single system of record is critical to understanding what assets you have, where they are located, and who has access to them. Connecting assets to incidents, requests, problems, changes, etc., makes IT work more informed and efficient. It also gives you the power of knowledge to better advise the business.
Measure to improve – How many times has your boss asked for visibility into the work being done by IT? Whenever you are rolling out an IT Service Management process, you have to know what you want to measure. If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Small yet powerful IT teams can get off the treadmill and escape the fire drills of everyday tasks. Cloud-based Service Management can manage, track, and measure these tasks quickly and consistently.
Technosys can offer customers’ assistance with the migration of platforms, integration with other business solutions including HR, IT GRC, financial and ETL, as well as offer an advisory service which doesn’t come along with complex and expensive SLA’s. Contact us for a no obligation conversation about how we can help you.